Caltanissetta – Monte Capodarso and Imera Valley

Viale Conte Testasecca, 44, 93100 Caltanissetta (CL)
Aree Verdi a Caltanissetta - Riserva naturale

Right in the center of Sicily lies the Oriented Nature Reserve of Monte Capodarso and the Imera Meridionale Valley, between the cities of Caltanissetta and Enna, along the Imera River.

Identified as a territory to be protected and preserved, the National Association Italia Nostra manages and takes care of this Reserve, sensitizing visitors to respect it.

The Reserve boasts a great variety of vegetation with 505 recognized botanical entities, including the Spiny Oak, Yellow Sage, Salamanca Cornflower, Crisciola, Sorrentino Aster, Agrigento Mallow, Sicilian Atamanta, Bush Thyme, and more!

Numerous bird species and other local fauna are present, such as the Grey Heron, Little Egret, Mallard, Kestrel, Hedgehog, European Pond Turtle, Weasel, Wild Rabbit, and Fox.

In the Reserve area, you can observe the gullies that characterize the landscape.

To reach the reserve, just take the A19 (Palermo-Catania) highway, exit at Caltanissetta, continue along the Caltanissetta-Gela expressway and exit at the Capodarso junction.

The reserve is open from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.