Calascibetta – Municipal Villa

Via Dante, 11, 94010 Calascibetta EN
Area verde a Calascibetta - Villa Comunale

The green area in the municipal villa of Calascibetta is the remain of the ancient garden of the convent of the Carmelite friars, passed to state authority after the subversive laws of the ecclesiastical axis in the 19th century and became the seat of the municipality of Calascibetta.

In the villa, between cedars of Lebanon and palm trees, stands the “Venus of Sicily“, the stone statue of Comiso created by Giovanni Balderi in 2011 and commissioned by the Municipality of Calascibetta on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy.

The municipal villa also holds the tomb of the architect Tabita, a bas relief on the local stone “di cutu” (a compact sandstone) dated 1586.

Both collective and personal exhibitions are often held inside the villa.