Enna – Church of San Giuseppe

Via Roma, 410, Enna, EN, Italia
Chiesa a Enna - Chiesa San Giuseppe

The Church in Enna dedicated to San Giuseppe dates back, according to some historians, to around 1390, while the monastery of the Scalzi Carmelites was rebuilt in 1600.

Even today, the entire monumental structure is the largest and most complete existing in Enna.

The facade is typically seventeenth-century, and the bell tower, in Baroque style, is known as the “tower of San Benedetto.”

The church in Enna has a single nave and inside you can admire paintings of considerable craftsmanship and remarkable artistic interest, including depictions of Santa Scolastica, San Benedetto, and the large painting of the Madonna del Rosario. Additionally, there are the statues of the Madonna del Carmelo and a Crucifix from the fifteenth century.

Above the altar, the statue of the Holy Family dominates, and there is also a precious silver altar frontal dating back to the origin of the church.

Equally important is the painting depicting the “Deposition of Christ,” a work by Antonino Mercurio from the eighteenth century.