Enna – Church of Santa Chiara

Piazza Napoleone Colajanni, 94100, Enna, EN, Italia
Chiesa a Enna - Chiesa Santa Chiara

The Church in Enna dedicated to Santa Chiara was built in 1616 by the nobleman Francesco Rotundo and his mother Costanza.

It served as the headquarters of the Jesuit College and for many years, after the expulsion of the Jesuits, it was used only as a guesthouse. In 1779, the church and the adjoining college, now used as a school, were entrusted to the Clarisse nuns.

As for the church, its facade emerges at the top of an imposing staircase.

Its interior, with a single nave with a polygonal apse and transept, features a 1850 maiolica floor with a mosaic representation of the view of the city of Santa Sofia with the triumph over Islam and the invention of the steamboat.

The canvas with the Madonna delle Grazie by Giuseppe Salerno, also known as “Lo zoppo di Gangi”, once located in the sacristy, is now displayed in the Alessi Museum.

After the Second World War, the church was transformed into a Shrine of the Fallen, and its chapels were modified to accommodate the tombs of soldiers who died in the war.