Campofranco – Faina Village

Villaggio Faina, CL, Italia
Escursione a Campofranco - Villaggio Faina

About 2 kilometers from the center of Campofranco (CL) lies the Faina Village. During the 1970s and 1980s, it experienced a period of economic prosperity thanks to Montecatini, which produced potassium sulfate, and Cozzo Disi, which facilitated sulfur extraction.

In the village, there is the Church of the Holy Family and the new spirituality center dedicated to Don Nazareno Falletta, inaugurated in 2007. The complex hosts meetings, conferences, prayer days, and moments of reflection with the aim of improving human, religious, and spiritual growth of every citizen. The inauguration took place on November 25, 2007 with a Mass celebration in the adjacent Church of the Holy Family.