Caltanissetta – Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art

Caltanissetta, CL, Italia
Museo a Caltanissetta - Diocesano

The Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art is a museum in Caltanissetta created in 1983, by the will of Monsignor Giovanni Speciale. Today, the museum takes the name of its founder and gathers numerous sacred objects, works, paintings, fabrics, goldsmith works, sacred furnishings, etc. It is divided into ten rooms and two corridors.

The first exhibition took place in 1986 with the introduction of numerous works such as the canvases donated by Mons. Speciale and precious objects dating back to the period between the 15th and 19th centuries. Initially, the museum was located only in the northeast wing of the building, but gradually expanded to the entire ground floor.

Today, in the ancient wing there are six rooms with dated sacred relics, while in the modern wing, there are the library, the conference room, and other exhibition rooms of modern sacred art.