Piazza Armerina – Farmer’s House Museum

Via Garibaldi, 57/a, Piazza Armerina, EN, Italia
Museo a Piazza Armerina - Museo del Contadino

The Farmer’s House Museum, located in Via Garibaldi, is undoubtedly one of the most important museums in Piazza Armerina.

Inaugurated in 2014, it is designed as a reproduction of a Sicilian farmer’s dwelling with the aim of showing the habits and lifestyle of the time. Inside, you can find original furnishings and items, mostly handmade at the beginning of the twentieth century, which allow us to gain insight into the most beautiful and now lost Sicilian traditions.

Divided into three rooms, it houses a space dedicated to various agricultural tools, a kitchen with a traditional millstone, and a bedroom equipped with a special hammock used to cradle babies.

Entrance to the museum is entirely free, as per the founder’s wishes, to encourage the best possible enjoyment of this place of interest.

The museum is open every day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. For more information, contact 333 913 8634.