Palermo – Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary of the Assumption

Via Vittorio Emanuele, 90040, Palermo, PA, Italia
Chiesa a Palermo - Duomo

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary of the Assumption is the main church in Palermo that practices the Catholic cult and since 2015 it has been part of UNESCO.

In addition to the main facade, the Cathedral, in the form of a Latin cross, has three other varied elevations: in the main facade, the front is very articulated due to the presence of two large pointed arches inspired by Islamic architecture, the central splayed portal in Gothic style enriched in the upper part by a beautiful mullioned window; in the northern facade we find the building of the ancient chapel from which the so-called “Loggia dell’Incoronazione” overlooks; the eastern facade is bordered by corner towers which enclose the majestic room corresponding to the large presbytery, this side is a beautiful example of lava inlay decoration; the southern facade has characteristic advanced turrets and the large Catalan Gothic-style portico built around 1465.

Finally, inside the beautiful church in Palermo we find three naves divided by pillars and statues depicting the saints, in the right aisle we find two communicating chapels which house the imperial and royal tombs of the Normans; in the central nave we can see the floor a marble sundial with coloured inlays representing the signs of the zodiac and the rich altar of the Sacrament, in bronze, lapis lazuli and coloured marbles; in the left aisle, we find for each span a chapel decorated with frescoes and bas-reliefs depicting the lives of saints.