Comune di Realmonte

Realmonte, AG, Italia

Realmonte is a town in the province of Agrigento. Situated on a slight hill overlooking the sea, the territory has increasing altimetric elevations proceeding from zero to 400 m, apart from some areas that rise. The territory has strong and changing landscape aspects due to orographic characteristics and type of vegetation. The coastal strip is orographically homogeneous – it has, in fact, the type of “coast facing the sea” for almost its entire length-, but at the same time it is chromatically very varied, as, proceeding from east to west, the coloration of the coast takes on shades ranging from white, to grey-blue, to reddish, with the varying type of rock. The vegetation also plays a decisive role in the chromatic variations, especially in the “red zones”, where the calcareous reddish is contrasted with the dark green of the Mediterranean scrub, which is strongly present, which provides a strong chiaroscuro effect. An element of considerable scenic interest is represented by the Scala dei Turchi, formed by a spur of white marl prominent on the sea, to which the sloping layers give a very suggestive appearance with strong chromatic contrasts. The shape of this monument of nature is precisely that of a staircase, where during the Moorish invasions that raged in the ‘500 the Turks landed in the territory of today’s Realmonte climbing on the stratifications of this cliff.
Its artistic heritage has few historical-architectural testimonies; a monument of some importance that can be admired in the old town is the Chiesa Madre, dedicated to San Domenico. Built in the eighteenth century, it has a fine external façade and a single nave.
In recent years the small village has seen an intense economic development, linked mainly to tourism. The territory of Realmonte, in fact, located on the sea, is first of all rich of beautiful sandy beaches, such as those of Lido Rossello and Punta Grande. Not far from the town, inside the ancient Salt Mine is the Cathedral of Sale. It is here that the Mass of Santa Barbara, protector of the miners, is celebrated.
Another monument is the Villa Romana, a rustic villa dating back to the 1st century A. D. , discovered in 1907 and formed by two rooms in opus sectile, decorated with marble slabs, and three rooms in opus tessellatum, decorated with mosaic floors.